Tropical Storm Fred Has Entered the Room... Miami Hurricanes Beat FSU :)

Way out in Africa land, far away and moving this way for now but forecast to be fried fish by Friday. Seems the forecasters don't think it will make it all the way across the pond. We will see. Seen a few this year swim further west than first forecast. And, again...the weaker it stays due to strong shear..the further west it gets. But, there is a big doorway for it to take.. it if takes it.
Pretty storm. Have to say... beautiful little storm. Nice banding, seems to have a good solid center ...very nice.
Heard the wave behind it is... even better ;)
Stayed up watching the UM/FSU game on ESPN. God, I LOVE ESPN!!!
We won, amazing game.. amazing, everything hanging on the last minute, the last play of the game. FSU ran and ran against Miami and suddenly Miami held tight... Seesaw game, great game. Was such a good game I forgot to check on TD7... crazy but true.
Raining here, going to bed. Cicadas are quieter in the rain.. I think that's a bullfrog out there, new sound. No words. Don't care... we won!
So... check out the tropical update from Jim Williams for more details.
My brother gave me play by play after we finished discussing the Canes big win on the football field. Love when my brother calls me to tell me something Jim said, very cute. And... Happy Birthday Jim Williams.. in case you happen to read this and if not so much the better. He really is all about hurricanes... hates when people focus on him and not the Canes.
Wow... how am I ever going to sleep... Canes just beat FSU... upset them, in the last series of plays, came down to the friggin last play, UM wins!
Great triva about the UM and why they are the Canes.. the school opened in 1926... and despite the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926 the school went on, the team went on.. life went on. The Ibis was said to be the last bird to leave the Glades before a storm and the first to return!!
Read about it here:

Sweet hurricane dreams...
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