Hello From NC... Still in Hurricane Country :)
See... trading states but still going to be living in Hurricane Country ;)
In North Carolina visiting and making some possible arrangements regarding schools and wanted to say hello from up here to everyone out there. Everything in my life at the moment seems a bit in limbo and flux and I have always hated living in limbo and yet at the moment I am trying to take time to just relax, enjoy it.. smell the roses or the perfume or the beautiful lavender scented pillow my daughter-in-law gave me for my birthday.
I am trying to imagine what it will be like in a few months in the Spring as I was up here last year and fell in love with it all back then. Did I mention I love the big magnolia trees ;) and the white pear blossoms and other things like gladiolas planted IN the ground...how funny not in the grocery store. Well, Spring or Summer but definitely plan on spending the 2009 hurricane season in North Carolina.
And, everywhere you go there are signs here for the Carolina Hurricanes complete with the hurricane symbol! So.. that's good.
Went out last night for dinner with my best friend from high school and his wife who live in Durham (like the movie with the Durham Bulls) and then we went back to their house and made a little ice cream party with friends to celebrate our engagement. I get temporary custody in his house of his Coral Park High School mug :)
Funny being far from home and yet feeling at home at the same time.
Watching the news, watching the weather and watching the rain fall down through the pine forest out the window. Sounds pretty, looks like winter :)
Have a great day..will be back in Miami by the end of the week, back to blue skies, sunshine and parrots fooling around in the palm trees!
Besos Bobbi
Go Rams!

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