June 5th
Graduation Day all across parts of America.
My older younger daughter is graduating. A big day for me. Bigger for her but I have been waiting for her to graduate for a long time.
Oldest of my younger ones... no longer a minor but done with highschool..
The youngest of my younger ones graduated..been waiting a long time.
Today is sort of a milestone.. impt.. a step in a process.
Spoke to my best friend in Maine.. about hurricanes, men and children (that order) and on trying to be more positive.
:) I am positive.
We both had the most incredibly beautiful shabbos.. good vibes.
Wind is coming in from the E at 9..
no storms, just rain
beautiful rain
stood in the rain today
rain is pure... totally pure
it fills up a mikvah ... they wait for rain
crops wait for rain
rain purifies
can destroy... can purify...
we all can take anything and raise it up high..
or dunk it down low...
Why do I think RFK was shot today? Have to do that math..something sticks tho think mostly am thinking of my uncle who died a week later... big funerals, cars that stretched for miles on the freeways..miles of headlights turned on... a snaking line of headlights turned on and what seemed a million people at the funeral all staring at me and my cousin wondering how we were going to go on..., i always get wierd this time of year, the american flag on his coffin.. mourners kaddish, his picture sits at the cemetary in the office...helped start that cemetary...
we went on... not the way we would have been
but was meant to be
distant thunder and am wondering if it had rained that day
think it did...
but today is 2005...
kids playing baseball outside in the rain
droopy palm fronds, water logged
message boards talking on 2005 hurricane season
how can you speak of something that hasn't happened yet?
how can you know???
i think we get a threat from a storm out of the south...sse...s... ssw...
think the high will not dig in as far west as last year...
we are in trouble but not from the ese
not in my opinon
no jeanne or frances storms...
variation on charley maybe
is charlie a girl or a guy? teasing.. being silly
was last years storm
the past...
silly sunday
serious sunday
so much going on this sunday
going off to daven.. to pray... morning prayers not mourning prayers
it is time to move on with our lives
going to ask all the souls of the dearly departed to help
to help make today a day of beginnings, beautiful ones
not endings..
graduations... celebrations...
beautiful moments in a daughter's life..
mazel tov indeed
rain should be a blessing
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