Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Will 2023 Hurricane Season Begin Early? May? Dangling, Decarying Cold Fronts Often Birth Tropical Systems! Does Port Everglades Have a Plan? Hurricane Agnes in June was a Flooder. Arlene in April Out to Sea Drifter.


The front and the blob together on the left.
A shady gray tropical pocket of moisture on the right.
It'll get swept away by the magical front!
But it's there and that's where we start.

Kind of like a Ghost Wave. Waving.
1 little eye peering out...
...saying "I'm alive!!"

Noticed that last night as well.

In truth, despite the actual dates of delineation between the offseason and the actual Hurricane Season's start in the Atlantic ... in reality sometimes we have early storms, hurricanes and wannabe storms in late April and early May. Most often they do not pan out, they fizzle up like a little puddle on a hot steamy day or they get blown away by a late season front that goes "WHOOSH!" and sweeps the inspid early bird contender out to sea. 

But...............the fact that we have a front dangling all the way down into the Caribbean that lowered temperatures in Miami into the 60s this morning says a lot for the potential for early season tropical systems. Dangling fronts, like dangling conversations, tend to linger in our minds and on the maps and if a spark happens to wander into that set up then suddenly we have early season action in the Atlantic. 

We're not there yet, but even models sniffing out possibilities as if they are marking off the days on the calendar until it's June 1st! Add in the magic filter of the Water Vapor and you can see the front continues down into the Caribbean and over in the Gulf of Mexico, again, there's an area that wants to cause trouble. We call these the "usual suspects" for early season trouble.

And, yet.... things are coming together.

This stuck in the middle with you image....
...shows the remains of the blob.
The BLOB (one of several actually) ....
...that ran away with the cold front!

Usual suspects we call them.......

Blob refuses to die.... but it will eventually.

Diving Cold Fronts in April
Dipping into the 50s tonight for Mike.
He can still enjoy the fire pit a bit longer.

That saying...what kills us...
..only makes us stronger.
Cold fronts kill tropical development....
...but some pice of energy lingers
When they are still around in May.
The tip that lingers gets stronger.
Sometimes it goes tropical.
Either way... it's a sign of the times.

Some seasons begin with someone posting "Let the Games Begin" on midnight on June 1st on Twitter. Some seasons start earlier with too soon waves mixing it up with the remnants of an old cold front that got left behind and they can cause trouble on either side of the Florida peninsula.

You can read all about it in the link below, but despite being an early named storm it's remembered for the flood it created across many states. This should get your attention if you live in South Florida where every day has been a new flood for days, though the recent cold front took the rain away for a few days. Keep watching the Gulf of Mexico for more blobs and maybe, you never know something from a dangling, decaying cold front looking for new life.

Every year some model begins spitting out possible areas of tropical development, in the old days we had the MRF (pronounced like SMURF without the S) and then an array of models and there's always one like the GFS that's ready to party before there's even a party announced. It's not about whether they actually develop as much as they are there being offered up on a distant "all you can eat buffet" that'll change from a Thai to Mexican theme by the time you get an actual party going.

In South Florida ... the blob grabbed us.
Has kept everyone's attention on the radar.
But, are YOU watching/??

Hello! I'm back from my long vacation for Passover an 8 day holiday when many travel (one way or the other) but turns into a 2 or 3 week adventure somehow always where you get lost along the way. I'm back. And, I'm here to stay or more specifically I'll be posting more often.  Today's blog is longer as I have been missing in action in Raleigh on my little vacation from my online friends and games I love. 

44 days til June 1st the official start of the Hurricane Season.

27 days til NHC regularly puts out it's Tropical Weather Outlook.

Tomorrow we will discuss current models.
and what dreams they may have.
Today I'm just touching base.
Saying hello!
And oh!

Mike wants us to remember.......'s National Lineman Appreciation Day.
I'm so appreciative........
....thanks Mike ;)

Link to Agnes the early June Hurricane.

In APRIL of 2017 the first named storm slipped in early before the ringing of the bell on June 1st!

As an old boyfriend told me more than once:
"Never say never!"

So just remember... 44 days til Hurricane Season!
Get a plan, there's a reason you should have a plan.
Hopefully Port Everglades has a plan.....

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
Very in love with 80s music today.
Most days... I love 80s music.
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram
Follow me on Twitter for Weather mostly....
...on Instagram weather and whatever.


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