Winter Vacation...NYC... SNOW... Rockefeller Center.. Friends.. Kids.. Atlanta...
It was hot in Miami... and cold everywhere else... But, I did see snow in Brooklyn and nothing is more beautiful than snow in Brooklyn. Why you ask?
Trees and brownstones... the snow against the brownstones is beautiful and the trees on Ocean Parkway and Eastern Parkway. It's an iconic look that you only see in Brooklyn. Okay, possibly parts of Boston... but Brooklyn in the snow after a fresh snowfall is stunning.
It was so much fun driving around listening to country music in Brooklyn as the snow was falling down....
NASH FM 94.7 in New York City and nearby parts have the newest, best country station I've heard in a long time... it's really a wonderful addition to the music scene in NYC... and Brooklyn.

Yup... was there and loving it as we drove through crowded streets all painted up in holiday colors and decorations... Jamaican fruit stands, chassidic families walking by and traffic jams with wild beeping drivers..
A little bit of country in NYC...which looks like a real live Winter Wonderland...
Now THAT is New York City!
And this is country...
check it out...enjoy...
nothing like driving around with my daughter in Boro Park blasting country ...
Nothing like being with your family at a time when it's good to be pampered and loved..
Again my mother passed away 3 weeks ago and it's been a difficult time..
.. something about a death in the family that makes you remember bits and pieces of your life
like scenes in a collage that is being made in real time...
So... my daughter Dina insisted I come to New York when I was about to cancel the ticket..
There was a class... a program where I had promised to speak and the holiday in Chabad of Hey Teves.
Basically... sacred, valuable books that belonged to the Library of Chabad Chassidim were being removed and when they discovered who had removed them...there was a court case to prove that the books (bibles that go back to the 1500s and 1600s worth a fortune to collectors) belonged to the community of Chabad vs distant family members of the previous Rebbe... the court ruled in favor of the Chabad community and they were returned back to where they belonged. It's a long story... you can Google it...but it's a fun day to be in Crown Heights trust me ;) and I was there and spoke at a birthday party, program for the women. (It's a long complicated story... ended happy)
Sometimes you make a promise to yourself and I made a promise last year that I would go and I did...
thanks to spunky, stubborn children ...
Had lunch at Spoons... really good food.
And...there was lunch with a good writer friend.. at Terri's..
Across from Touro College
and dinner with another set of kids at Carlos & Gabbys in Flatbush...
Yup... New York was a visual wintry feast for the eyes and for the soul. The class I had with friends was memorable and time with my kids and friends was priceless...
And... well there was the great show my ex-husband had in in Manhattan for Chanukah with a few of the kids (Van Gogh Martinis..) and a trip to an all night Best Buy :) I soooo sooooo soooo love New York!!
1 AM at a Best Buy in NYC... a few days ago... got to love NY!
so sorry if this blog has been a bit spacey and all over the place tonight.. but that's been my life the last few weeks... a bit depressed over my mother's death and yet busy and functioning and trying to move forward..
while looking back and sharing time with some people I love a lot.. those who love me seem to be doing their best to entertain me, keep me busy and make me feel loved... Thank You!
I'm sitting at a kitchen table at a friend's house in Atlanta tonight..a rainy, foggy sort of night, but I'm inside warm and cozy typing while everyone else is asleep after getting the wifi on my laptop to finally work right.
Sipping Mint Magic and thinking on a good friend who passed away several years ago who studied to be a chiropractor here in Atlanta at Life College... memories are what our lives are made of...
(note to children never end a sentence with a preposition...)
I'll be back in Raleigh later this week and I imagine back to normal.
Lots to blog about..
Winter storms..
Snow in Jerusalem and Cairo this week
And, a whole alphabet of winter storms from TWC... also here in Atlanta I may add ;)
And... just keep watching the weather and doing what y'all do best..
For me that's ..
watching football
hanging with friends
talking to my kids
thinking about the past but moving on to the future...
it's what we do... we move on...
memories locked up tightly in a memory box like a snow globe inside our heart
Oh, and I still watch the tropics, but the tropics are a long shot in December..especially when cold fronts are draped across the South. But, I watch... down in the SW Carib................always a long shot.
There are some great new winter weather sites on One good one is below:
Shows you where the snow is... and sometimes if you wish really hard...
you get your birthday present...and I did...
thanks for your patience, your friendship, your prayers and smiles...
Besos Bobbi ;)
PS...if you want to help my best friend Malka's daughter Esther who has an amazing, incredible voice ... check out this link:
Well thou NYC sounds to be an amazing vacation for the winters but the cool winds blowing may sounds a bit strange getting the instincts of Hurricane.
Union Square Inn New York
An amazing place to spend in your vacation offering you the best of amenities and surrounding atmosphere. Best location for family tour.
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