Change..... Take Some Time to Breathe... Gonna Get Busy Again... Lisa Dances in the Atlantic

And, I don't mean in Greenland...
A wave in the Caribbean could....should.... develop and move either west....or pull to the north a bit more and possibly get into the Gulf...
Of course models the other day had it hitting Tampa before changing their mind so until it's within the 7 day range am not going to believe models on a storm that has not formed yet. What they do show is a storm forming.
On the other side of the Atlantic... a storm formed named Lisa. Pretty name. Pretty little storm, doing her thing far out in the Atlantic... lots of room to run. Sort of like when a little girl does somersaults she needs go back really far on the lawn so she can try to do double, triple somersaults :)
Have to admit I have not been real on top of the tropics the last few days. Got kids traveling today for the Jewish holidays and a crew coming in tomorrow from Crown Heights... that's New York or as we jokingly refer to it these days as "Africa" as the video wasn't filmed in Ghana...ya know ;)
Listen... I like the song... don't like the dance we do for zumba to it but I do like the song.... we are really all one in this world.... Africa... Australia.. Austria... I'll be back later and work on the B countries ;)
Speaking of the B storm... Bonnie was fun :) Boring season so far for me except for chasing Bonnie with weather friends :)
And.... watching the models.... got to go to the gym and got to make a menu for Sukkos and might make African Sweet Potato Peanut Soup as one of many soups. Hoping son is bringing me sweet, 770 wine I cannot get here and La Hit bar and waka waka will work off the calories doing zumba... this time for Africa...
Just bear with me... hard day for me always, lost a best friend over 30 years ago today and it doesn't get easier... it does... it doesn't.... going to go dance at the gym and be back later with a normal post for the tropically minded.
Bored tropically.... and waiting for the reinforcements to come in before cooking.
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