Tropical Low in the Gulf of Mexico - Bobbi Plays In the Rain in Florida

The NHC sent out a "SPECIAL TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK" this afternoon for the second time in a pre-season period to give a heads up that they are carefully monitoring the system in the Gulf of Mexico for possible development.
And, I quote, "AN AIR FORCE RESERVE HURRICANE HUNTER AIRCRAFT WILL INVESTIGATE THE LOW TOMORROW... IF NECESSARY" which shows how seriously they are watching it as it seems to have gone through a phase of development today and conditions are getting more favorable for something to form. And, if it formed it would be close in and not give people in the Florida Panhandle or along the Gulf Coast who are vacationing on Memorial Day Week to properly prepare or evacuate. Probably will just be rain and if I was staying up there I would love nothing more than to ride out such a storm and feel the beauty of nature up close and personal. Not talking Cat 3 here.. talking possible sub-tropical or a Tropical Storm I think and that is pushing it. Could fall apart just as fast...
Loop the loop and look for yourself:
Early model runs.. very early and not set in stone:

Also..there have been deaths down near Haiti and flooding rains which were produced when a part of the system in the Carib lingered too long over an island already way too prone to recent flooding. As referenced earlier today in my blog... that was some intense batch of rain down there the last few days.
Models seem to play at a possible system in the Bahamas in a few day. I don't know. Maybe the models are just a little play happy this season or it really, truly will be an early season. El Nino may be forming and if so.. it could end the season earlier than usual so.. will see how the numbers play out in a few months.
As for me.. I played in the rain today :) Yup, stood outside in an afternoon rain shower today. Just stood there and felt the rain on my head, my face and caught a few rain drops on my tongue. Felt good. Felt great. Just sat there and sort of talked to God in a way that I can't always do. And, then a rainbow came out. Really, beautiful rainbow from one side of the sky to another... awesome. Nothing is as beautiful as the natural wonders that God puts all about us every day and we just have to find a way to stop and play.. and enjoy...and savor.
So.. keep watching the Gulf of Mexico and keep watching the beauty unfold around your while you walk on your way this weekend. Whether at the beach or in your bedroom or for a late night victory walk under a canopy of stars ;) Don't forget to stop and smell the roses!
Besos... Good Shabbos, Bobbi ;)
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