Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Nothing for 5 Days NHC Says............ Winter Like Chill Meets Fall

Nothing happening for 5 days. 
NHC says.

Rain signature for those 5 days shows...
Frontal boundary.

New snow on the map.
Temperatures in low 40s Tuesday Morning.
In my neck of the woods.
Wednesday flirting with 30s.
Not very tropical...

I'll be honest. There's usually an October Surprise in the tropics, but where and when I can't say as usually it's a "surprise" but for now, this week cold fronts are all the rage. And it is possible at some point when some cold front lingers something will form at it's base in warmer tropical waters. If not the Caribbean in the Atlantic. The season usually ends in a similar way to which it began with close in action near frontal boundaries Time will tell.

As for me I'm cooking for the last of the set of holidays we have in the fall that somehow always seem to coincide with the first really cold winter. I guess I should find a warm coat or very heavy sweather. Not even sure where they are though my coat is always hanging in the closet, always waiting for cold weather. Growing up in Miami it was an oddity and a rare chance to wear your favorite jacket; now it's a seasonal shift in my wardrobe and I never tire of it! The boots are definitely out though think I left a pair in Miami last November... hmnn. 

Anyway. I'll be offline til Tuesday evening. Meals move from the Sukkah into the house again and there's food on the burners and I'm going back to that as there is nothing too tropical to say.

Have a good week. Stay safe. Stay happy and may all you favorite teams win today in whatever sport you love the most!

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram

Ps Yes I do love palm trees still and a strong breeze off of Biscayne Bay... but I can love lots of places and people and types of winter. My son who lived in Seattle moved to Colorado recently so seems I'll see Colorado up close and personal sometime this year!



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