Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Thoughts on the Tropics, the Sun and Waiting for Tropical Weather to Begin... in Less Than 30 Days!


Just catching up here while it's still quiet in the tropics and parts of the country are getting dusted with late season snow. I read somewhere that April is the kind of month you never know what you'll get from day to day and that is especially true this year.  Definitely not quiet weather wise but in my part of the world it's pretty boring. Nice but boring as we have cool nights and warm days and you really can't complain about that can you? Not really. But for people who love when the weather likes to mix it up more ... it's boring.

In the Florida Keys it's not so boring....
...they have had strong storms daily now.

Every day... another warning nearby.
That's because there's weather lingering there.
That area has been rooted there of late.
Tail end of an old front.
The front is gone but the root remains.

But check that out really.
Doesn't Cuba look pretty in purple?
I digress..  it's April I do that often.
Not my favorite time of year.

We do have early strong action in other basins.
Look at that image....
... fighting back after weakening.
Not as strong as it was but still.
It should make you remember May is around the corner.
Again the NHC is beginning putting out the TWO on 5/15
May 15th...not that far away.
Less than a month.
So what's that saying??
Buckle up buttercup?

Bought some at the Farmers Market on Sunday.
I didn't know they were so small.
You live... you learn.
Yellow... of course.

Venus in Scorpio.
I kind of like the intensity of purple.
Did you know what Van Gogh was thinking?
When he was painting them?
They were the mouths of patients babbling... the hospital locked up he saw mouths babbling.
They do look like mouths a bit don't they?
With purple lipstick?

Okay I'm in a mood.
No Football and no Hurricanes.
I've had allergy and headaches.
Tho today I'm good!
Cool weather here does that.

That's a sunspot... a storm.
A face on the sun.

My son once asked a big meteorologist who is a friend about Sunspots and the Van Allen Belt and I thought "oh my gosh I can't believe he's bothering him about this" but apparently he also was into that and said there were correlations and well what can I say... you live you learn. I know I have had bad headaches this week but I think it was something I took for my allergy not the energy from the sun but who knows?

Thanks for stopping in.

What do I think about the 2021 Hurricane Season?
I think EPAC may start on time this year and I also think the Eastern Gulf of Mexico will be in play early on this year and throughout the year; also watching coastal threats and worrying a bit on Florida but well I always worry on Florida.

Time will tell.
Til then.... enjoy what gives you joy and ignore the rest if you can.
That's my best advice on life today.

Watching the tropics even though nothing is happening.  Not expecting snow in Raleigh so not watching the local weather much and wondering if I will go down to Key West when in South Florida soon. Maybe, it's one of my ancestral ... I even have the naturalization papers to prove true citizenship papers that made my family citizens of Key West in the 1800s! Maybe I'll go light a candle in the grotto... think Key West may need some prayers this year.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram

Ps... love this song.  It's on one of my favorite Willie Nelson CDs.

Ps if u found any mistakes.
Sorry... not proofing today.
On staycation ;)

And not much weather to watch around here.
Many are watching weather on the sun.
The sun has storms also.

Today I bought Irises at Fresh Market.
Yes I buy flowers in my time off...


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