Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Weather Links and Thoughts on Life in 2020 VS 1918 ... Politics & the Virus that is Changing Our World.

A quick glance at says..
We are dealing with Spring Weather.
An erratic Winter event may happen.
But for the most party...
Winter is traveling North.
Birds have hit the road flying North.
Spring like storms in the South.
Tornadoes in Tennessee.
Super Tuesday is over.
Looking towards the Convention.
Finishing the rest of the primaries.
Time is moving fast these days.

Quick Weather Discussion first.
Then some thoughts on our lives today.

Mike has added a nice tool on YouTube.
Up at the top of his page is a link.
The link is shown below.
If you enjoy watching loops...
...perhaps you canceled cable to save money.
Or just like running loops on Youtube.

This is what you will see ... but in motion.

As we move into Severe Weather Season...
Check your Apps and where you get info.
As for stocking up....
...we all be stocking up now for other reasons.
So no one should be caught up prepared...
...if their power goes out from a Tornado nearby.

One of my sons was in town yesterday.
He took a small road trip.
Spent a few days here.
Really good to see him.
He gives great hugs and makes me smile.
Yeah I still hug my kids.

People are so nervous these days.
We went to Target briefly.
It was quiet, not empty but quiet.
Deafening quiet.
People walking around looking terrified.
Do they think talking opens them up to germs?
I wonder..

So at the Museum of History in Raleigh.
There's a huge exhibit on the Spanish Flu.
And ironically or not I had been researching it.
We all have thought on it's similarity.
It killed more people than WW1

Wanted to look for a few things, my son needed something for the trip. No he didn't find hand santizer there, he found it at Bath and Body Works. Need to think outside the box these days. Debated getting a Starbucks drink and decided what if the world is shut down and this might be my last chance? Seriously.... so figured since I was eating carbs...go for the gold and get a Frappe. Had a nice talk with Cleo who works at that Target (yes his name was Cleo) in North Hills and after joking a bit he told me "you know there's a confirmed case here in Raleigh, in Wake County" I looked up and asked him how he knew. He said "the nurse told him" and I replied "which nurse?" and he learned his head over in the direction of the clinic and said "she was just informed that there's a case in Wake County" and ya know Cleo is cool and smart and wise and I knew without Googling it that there was a case in Raleigh.  Okay I also Googled it and wished I hadn't but yeah he was right. It seems someone traveling back from Seattle who had visited the home there where many people ended up testing positive also tested positive. After lots of Googling it seems he did not travel back from Seattle on the day I traveled back from Seattle and was not on my flight. Yeah a real "whew" but really can any of us feel we are totally safe just because we don't know if we are really safe or it's just an illusion? Illusions are good sometimes. I'm clinging to that illusion currently. 

We live in fast paced times with events moving faster than we can follow and life altering events appearing out of nowhere changing our priorities on an hourly basis.

Remember when we were complaining on the lack of snow this Winter along the East Coast?
Remember when people were arguing over all the different political candidates in the race?
Remember when we were worrying on terrorism?
Remember when we worried on Major Hurricanes?

The list of "remember when?" is being replaced daily with a new memory fading into the rear view mirror as our lives become filled with reports of people testing positive for Coronavirus and worrying on a new set of concerns from where to buy hand sanitizer to whether we should eat out somewhere and if so where? Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Birthday parties are suddenly questionable regarding traveling by air somewhere. And as every day passes the possibilities of long term travel be it vacation or business oriented is being re-evaluated.

Remember when Joe Biden was considered "the walking dead" candidate?
Remember when Bernie was surging and considered to be unstoppable?
Remember when Pete and Warren were considered likely to surge and trend and ....
Remember when we worried on computer viruses?

Remember when?

So going to say a few things here that are about remembering where we are today and how despite fast changing news events we have come a long way since the Spanish Flu that killed more people worldwide than World War 1.

In ways we are thankfully better off today to try and stop the spread of a Pandemic, though it's hard to stop this sort of train and we will all in some way be personally impacted sadly. I'm not saying this will blow over and it's nothing to worry about, it is something very larger than life to worry about.

But.........many people can work from home today.
But.........if schools close many kids can be home schooled directed by a teacher online.
But.........spread of NEWS and INFORMATION is available vs in 1918.
But........ people can vote absentee if it messes up our election in November.
But........ people can order online (while supply is in stock) and not shop.

But the list goes on and on.... 
That won't help workers laid off by restaurants or stores because people are not shopping.
That will not help the airlines as people are afraid to fly.
That will not help the Leisure Industry as people don't want to travel or mix.

But between antibiotics that we did not have in 1918 and ways to work, learn and receive information (they didn't even have TV and few had radio...) the immediacy of unraveling events can be disseminated faster to try and protect ourselves in ways that many could not in 1918.

As for politics Biden it turns out is surging and other candidates are supporting him with their voices, money and presence. Bernie is not giving up without a fight. Warren is "considering her options" and our WhatsApp groups are exploding with late breaking news on both politics and the Coronavirus as weather takes a back seat between Winter Storms and the Hurricane Season. The Sports World has researched possibilities of showing games in empty stadiums while people watch at home. Not the same as tailgating but there are options in 2020.

So hang in there........... do what you got to do and do not do what you don't have to do.

Travel can be delayed often. Start a diet, eat at home more and cut down on junk food usually served at Fast Food places or do Uber Eats if you trust your Uber driver.

Be calm, stay educated and don't be naive but don't jump on the panic train.

Keep watching.

But there's no way for sure of saying how the Market will be in any given day and someone just died in California as I type this making that the first death in California. Bernie is reminding you to remember Joe's voting record and everyone is wondering if Warren will say anything. Enjoy Trump's Tweets if that's your form of entertainment. Enjoy music or games or reading books old school style and take the time to take a breath.... rest, re-evaluate the priorities in your life.

That's it.
I'm just being me.... because writing is how I breathe.

I'm hunkering down some.... sending out some packages for Purim in a different way than I would have last year and trying not to think too far in advance and take it day by day. Thanks to those of you I love who help keep me sane (tho sometimes you've also made me crazy lol) and wash your hands, shower with soap often and choose wisely.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram


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