Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Trying to Reason With Hurricane Season 2010

It's a bit early to jump the gun on predictions and yet we are getting close to that time of year when we make pronounced judgements on the type of season this will be. Will this be what the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season brings? Will it be wild, will it be calm? I know one thing for sure.

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be will be. The future's not ours to see.. Que Sera Sera, What will be will be.

That's true by the way. My mother always told me that & since yesterday was Mother's Day I figured I would pass it along. Another way of saying Only Time Will Tell...

This is what it really looks like today in the Tropics and across America.

Really hard to tell if the fronts will stop dipping down into the heart of hurricane country. If we continue to have fronts than the chances of those tropical storms being picked up by one of them and swept out to sea will favor a year with few landfalls along the East Coast, but a lot of close calls and breath holding.. with one or two getting through as it's all in the timing always. Course, if the shear across the Gulf is low than some sneaky Caribbean storm can get through the blockade and grab a front up through Northern Florida early in the season.

Every thing in weather has it's good side and bad. Fronts can keep some regions safe and other regions are more in play.

Time Will Tell as always.

Warm to hot water temps out in the ocean and an active early wave train out by Africa and the ITCZ is all wonderful and good for hurricane development but will the trade winds cooperate or blow the tops off the waves all the way back to Kansas?

It is such a fine recipe for an active season, so many ingredients and they must each be added in the order of the recipe. African Waves in May won't help you much in August. It's all a matter of one step a time.

And, this May when most hurricane fanatics are wishcasting storms to form we are talking the Economy and Oil Disasters in the Gulf that could affect the economy and the hurricane season and loop currents without even having named storms. We are discussing earthquakes and Ice Bombs and Windy Days in Rhode Island and Tornadoes in the Heartland.

It's May... that magical month of May...

Hard to make sense of Hurricane Season 2010 just yet... the pieces of the puzzle are slowly coming together. The players have not arrived just yet. The script is in rewrite and we are sort of doing some location hunts to figure out the best location to shoot the first scene. But, we have as always gone hog wild with pre-production publicity!!

Pick your paper, choose a location... every newspaper in Hurricane Country will be putting out their special advertising Hurricane Special Edition with tips and advice for how to weather this 2010 Hurricane Season.

Til the first player is on the stage and about to say his lines... it is all theory and predictions that are bandied about like beach towels on a sunny day in Myrtle Beach or Miami Beach or maybe even Marathon that doesn't have much of a beach but is truly a tropical paradise waiting for a named storm to form and make a run for the roses so to speak. Mint Julep time is segueing into Pina Colada Time.

And....what will be this coming season?

Not really sure just yet.... seems Mama was right afterall..

..... and see....who could predict that Doris Day would end up in an Alfred Hitchcock movie?

As for me... going to hum that and some Lena Horne tunes today as I go about my day.

Having an omelet and some strawberries and mangoes with Starbucks Verona Coffee.

Stormy mother liked Lena Horne much more than Doris Day as a singer

Beautiful voice, beautiful woman...sadly passed away last night...

Enjoy life, enjoy love, enjoy music and weather...

Besos Bobbi


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