Something to Think On.. Brian Norcross & Bill Read
Something to think on tonight when I should be sleeping but instead I am up looping loops and getting lost in the loops.
Some people count sheep... weather people loop loops.
This is an interesting loop. Shows moisture over the last few days however it also shows the path the moisture has taken on it's way west from Africa to the United States of America.
Some of the moisture stays south, the possible mid to low level circulations of any waves blown apart by seasonal shear at the entrance to the East Caribbean where waves usually die. Not all do but in most years they die quick deaths.
The other moisture travels north, around the periphery of the building high and moisture oozes west north west up over the islands, hugging the coasts of Hispaniola and Cuba carefully on it's way across the Florida Straits. Sort of reminds me of Georges track. I'm not saying that will happen... I am saying anytime you see such a strong possible high setting in you have to worry on the ones that don't zoom through the Carib on their way to Central America and worry on the ones that seem to want to follow the path around the high. That's what storms do.. stay away from the highs... move towards lows/fronts as simplistically as I can get at this 2am hour.

As for Brian.. he is leaving Channel 4 in Miami however he is not leaving the world of weather.. just our television sets at 6 and 11 during hurricanes. I am sure he will be interviewed on air often just... in a different way.
Things change with time... the one constant in our life that can be relied upon is things will change. We in the South Florida area will have to adapt to a new world without Brian on the nightly weather report.
Old Brian:
New Brian talking on his book and his current projects:
Time marches on...
Out with the old.. in with the new..

I went to hear Bill Read speak this past week with some friends. He was excellent, incredible in ways in that he is the first director at the NHC in a long time that reminds me of Neil Frank. Totally different can of soup mind you but made from the same company and filled with a passion for weather and the need to make sure people have early warning and proper warnings. He has a passion for weather and hurricanes. Funny, folksy in ways yet without attitude or the sense of providing a sound bite to the media. And, he wears colored shirts.. pretty aqua colored ones that match his eyes and allows us to live outside the world of long sleeve white button up shirts. Imagine some will be happy about that...
An individual. He stands out from the rest. Glad he made the trek to Miami from his home in Houston to the Miami area to take the helm at the job.
More on Bill Read later but one thing he said that was funny was that he is sure man is descended from Sheep not Monkeys, because given any natural emergency without a plan they begin to do what everyone in their neighborhood is doing. So, so true. I have seen people who never were going to buy generators rush out to the store because the guy next door did. Imagine they figured if the noise was going to keep them up at night.. they may as well be running one too!
I have been at Publix buying water for my fish tank in August and watched people watch me nervously to see if I knew something they didn't and with no storm out on the horizon they reached over worried like and grabbed two half gallons and smiled and moved on. I had a manager who knows I do hurricanes walk over and ask me if there was something he needed to know...
Yep..sheep. So true... funny, but true.
So... now instead of counting sheep I will count my blessings and go to sleep, leave the loops for later.
For Mr. Sandman:
(you knew I'd go there didn't you... cause you don't miss a thang)
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