So SLOW In The Tropics . . .

... that my storm chaser friends are chasing Sun Dogs and possible earthquakes.
Seriously. That is really S L O W!
I don't know what to say, except slow is not really all that good. Often a busy June month brings a slower season down the road. This is setting up S L O W L Y to be an active season. Then again, 1997 looked like it would be busy and turned out to be the world's fastest building El Nino in history so you never really know until you know.
Some tropical moisture moving slowly west in the lower latitudes, down near South America and in the infamous Southwest Carib. There is a cluster of weather coming off of South Carolina that people were thinking might develop into something quasi to track, however it seems weaker and lower than they were expecting. Worth watching, but not something very likely.
Loop it and learn:
Hot and humid in the Carolinas, just another day at the beach in Miami with possible afternoon thunderstorms. Of course, the West Coast of Florida will most likely get more afternoon thunderstorms as the Seabreeze should push most of them west towards their beautiful coast.
So... go out, have a really great weekend. Celebrate Fathers Day and if you don't have a father around or aren't yet a father celebrate the life of someone who was like a father to you. Celebrate the big father in the sky ;) Have a puppy? Take him for a walk, or her... Do something you enjoy and check back in real soon to see if I go postal before something percolates in the tropics other than rainbows, sundogs and mango flavored lollipops!
Besos BobbiStorm
Ps Seriously, I wasn't making this up.
Unless a sundog is a secret code for something that I can't figure out... personally I'd like to have a corn dog!
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