Cold Night and Getting Hotter...with Chocolate Kisses

So, here I am... up north waiting to see snow before I go back to Miami but so far.. no snow. I have actually wondered if it is too cold for snow. Can that happen?
Nothing on the radar, blue skies and freezing temps.
I spent the day trying to buy a coat. You know a winter coat.
Seems they don't really wear them up here, I may have to go visit one of my kids in New York to actually buy a real coat. Everyone up here just wears these jackets that look like someone pumped air into them and well... it's not pretty. Sort of boring.
I did buy a beautiful sweater coat from Victoria Secrets which is really nice to use as a throw blanket, feels good.
Europe is cold. China is cold. Iowa is cold. Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas are cold. Missouri is covered in cold and Marquette...well Marquette is always cold but love saying it. Marquette :) I had this guy friend who drew me a map once of upper and lower Michigan and Minnesota... he put Marquette on it. Was cute. Listen, you had to be there...
Point here is that this is Global Colding unless you are living somewhere hot and am sure there is somewhere hot but I am not in the mood to google it.
Nope...going to just sit here under my three covers using my Victoria Secrets Sweater Coat as a blankie and am going to sip my tea and watch The Weather Channel for signs of snow up close and personal.
Have to go back to Miami soon, something about getting kids passports to go to Poland and some paper that has to be presented to a publisher on the 1926 Hurricane that I have not yet finished writing (I do my best writing at Bayside) and I really wanted to see some snow this winter.
What am I doing tonight, you wonder?
Eating a Kiss.
I learned to eat a Kiss from one of my very, very best friends. He told me I was doing it wrong. Who knew? Yes, good ole Doctor Cobb taught me exactly how to eat a kiss so...............I am going to share this very pertinent information with you.
This is a Kiss...
Waiting to be ... eaten...
The first thing you do is...
S l o w l y take the wrapping off
Voila ;)
Come that sensual and beautiful and amazing.....
And...then...........when it's totally naked... you let it sit there and breathe.. you know ..... good wine needs to breathe and chocolate is like wine...
Here it is... ready to be eaten...
Can't you just taste that rich chocolate and it actually has some sort of filling, it's a Caramel Kiss it seems...
No....not a strawberry kiss but a caramel kiss..
And...then ....this is the part that most people don't know...
You pick up the kiss... in your fingers (because everyone knows I love finger food) and you pop it into your mouth and you don't bite, you just let it slowly melt in your mouth... you savor it... you feel the juices exploding, the caramel slowly seeping out mixing together with the creamy milk chocolate.
And... you enjoy it.
And, you know what?
It is sooooo amazing :)
Yes sir, that is what you do on a cold night when you are bored and tired of relatives and friends asking you, "so has it snowed yet?" and or telling you how friggin cold they are in Miami, Key West (I swear to God a realtor I am friends with in Key West called me ... we talked weather........not real estate) and people in International Falls called to tell me it's freezing. I'm sorry, I feel badly for the realtor but did the person living in International Falls not realize it gets cold there???
The Strawberries are dying... the Florida Strawberries... nothing to get down about there's still strawberry fields in California silly ;)
The Oranges might be dying too....
The Iguanas are dropping all over the place...
What is left but to bundle up under the covers and enjoy chocolate :)
Well... just one. Because I am working out these days doing zumba and ballet and some sadistic version of ballet, yoga and pilates and I am waiting for snow the way fair maidens wait for knights to come and save them.
I was going to come on here tonight and be in a mood but mean is really not my style, no... really not my style... hard to be mean and why would I want to be mean?
Nope... if I want to get even I won't do it being mean... nope. Not I. Not me. Oh damn I cannot believe (breathe Bobbi breathe) I just typed that.
My advice to you... all of America and Europe and China...
Eat Chocolate... just a little though, slowly... and enjoy it...
Light a candle watch it glow...
Sip some wine...or sweet tea vodka lol ...
And, smile... because somewhere, someone is sitting in their little steam shower tonight trying to steam their ass off. When what they should be doing is enjoying a chocolate kiss with Bobbi.
Ps... for Dr. Cobb... Giggling... saved the big one... it's definitely a keeper, you could break your jaw trying to suck on that sucker...
Besos Bobbi who is AMAZINGLY NICE :P
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