Dolphins IN Play Offs - Division Champs! Sunny Day Are Here Again...

Not much more to add :)
8th Day of Chanukah! Happy Chanukah!
Sunny days, play off days.. post season games and the Dolphins are back!
They are back and better than ever.
And, as much as I LOVE the song for the old Fins..these Fins need their own video, their own song... Chad Pennington speaking softly, Joey Porter speaking loudly and the very beautiful duo of Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams. Great Coach!
Unreal..if this is not the team of the year who is and if this is not the coach of the year...who is?
We are back...and you gotta believe...
Besos and Have a Beautiful Day ;)
Ps.... hey, we are in the hunt for the Super Bowl.. we are, we really are...
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