Florida Power Outtage... "It's not Terrorism, it's JUST FPL!"

Great line... they keep repeating it on the local news over and over. Ironic line for those in Miami who see FPL as the enemy after most hurricanes....
To many... FPL are sort of terrorists you know... If you have ever had to deal with them.. you'd understand.
It takes FPL over an HOUR to make ONE press conference to explain that they were working on it and not to panic..etc... ????
And.. not to mention there is a Tornado Warning in the Broward County area with a sighting of a twister near Port Everglades.. which occured AFTER the power outtage.
Truth is... probably everyone turned on their AC at the same time down here and the system couldn't handle it.
Developing.. more to come.
Besos Bobbi
PS.. I have power as I am on Miami Beach along the small corridor for the rich people and tourists who have underground cable.
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