Watch the Hurricane Kick Off Show by A Hurricane Hero

Jim is the guy in the middle at a hurricane meeting last summer of some of the gang from Hurricane City. You can find others at
Let me explain a little about Jim.
Jim is a real Hurricane Hero to me and many others. He provides information, explanations and an education to anyone who happens to wander into his excellent website .. to those who heard about it or those who surfed in looking for more information about hurricanes.. be it a specific hurricane or hurricanes in general.
He does a Hurricane Kick Off show ever year where he gives his pics for areas that he feels are more overdue for storms and might be prone to a landfall this particular year. He also talks about the 2007 season in general, takes calls and if you are listening live gives away prizes.. hurricane related of course. It is too late to get that generator he gave away from the nice company up in Georgia but you can still sign up and listen to the show, listen to other shows and help support someone who gives of himself, his time and his own money to manage one of the best Hurricane Web Sites online.
It is his tenth anniversary this year doing Hurricane City and to many of us who have been there for the long haul it feels like our anniversary as well. Time moves fast when you are having fun and enjoying friendships along the way.
Ten years ago.. seems like a lifetime to me in ways. Back then the internet was just filled with kids coming off a high from watching Twister and filled with wannabee storm chasers. Message boards on AOL and a few other groups like Palm Beach Post were filled with people of all ages and a whole group of kids getting their first taste of what it was to join others online sharing weather information. Why.. I think there was a whole little troop of scouts or something from Georgia trying to get their "I'm a storm tracker scout badge" or something playing online in the summer like a bunch of little busy bees bzzz bzzz bzzzing around the message boards.
Long time ago, long time passing.
And, here we are ten years later still playing weather tracker online, still learning, still improving and still sharing.
I imagine the little bees from Roswell or somewhere went off to wherever kids go when they grow up. People in Colorado moved on and followed their weather dreams. Some of the young guys moved in at the NHC and are there to stay .. some retired, some moved on. A lot of reshuffling of names and faces and places people live but...
But... one thing remains, one person... a real gem of a man, with integrity and a great smile and a busy little mind working the mathematics of hurricane landfalls each year...
He knows more about weather than many weather guys I have met who work professionally at the job and he is to be greatly respected and he is greatly appreciated by those of us at Hurricane City.
So... you might want to take this slow time to check out Hurricane City and subscribe, give him your support and listen in to his archived shows. Sit a spell, learn something, have some meteorological fun. And, know he is NOT supported by any government agency and does not spend your tax dollars having his 10th anniversary celebration. Nope... not at all.
He is the last one to ask, it isn't his style but it is mine and I am asking.
Subscribe, become a member and enjoy all the services that he works so hard to provide.
Great show... you'll learn a lot about hurricanes and you might just have some fun.
And.. make some lists of things to do to prepare for the season... shop, organize, make a plan and then... come on and join us on the message board if you want. And trust me when he loses a bet, he pays up or whatever ... smiling, not that we gamble a lot you know but well.. in a chicken suit or out in the Florida sunshine Jim always looks great and is a true joy to know.
Happy 10th Anniversary Jim and as some long gone kids said a long time ago, "Let the Games Begin!"
Bobbi :)
Just Bobbi ;)
Catch me on Hurricane City if you can...
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