PR Earthquake - Spring Like Severe Weather Outbreak in Winter in South - Winter 2020
Puerto Rico just can't get a break.
Well the Earth is breaking...
...rocking and rolling today.
Yes, PR is earthquake country.
We hear about Hispaniola more...
...but you got mountains you have earthquakes.
Fault lines run through the Caribbean.
Hurricanes attack the Caribbean.
Jamaica has had earthquakes and hurricanes together.
You learn a lot from studying history and geology.
Here's your general video below.
It began yesterday and continues on today.
Aftershocks continue today.
Hurricanes don't have aftershocks.
When they are gone... it's over.
And you clean up.
Earthquakes don't work that way.
It goes without saying they need help.
Charity and prayers.
Or give your favorite charity there you trust.
I've been back in Raleigh getting back into a routine, unpacking, cleaning up, doing laundry and trying to remember where I was before I left. For all the journals I keep I really should have one that says "After Traveling ... Get Back on Track Fast" as every wonderful trip means coming back to the every day routine and research I work on as well as every day routines. I have a trip to Seattle coming up but the date is not set just yet. Miami, Monsey ... am I really back in Raleigh? Yes, and to be honest I like being home in Raleigh these days. The air is cooler and it's easier to breathe yet today we are hovering between "nice ... feels cold" and "why does it feel so raw today?" and I know why it's because rain is moving in and the skies are gray and it's a North Carolina Winter Day when you feel if it's this cold it should snow but the cold front is dry this time so all you get is cold, winter rain.
It's been an odd and interesting winter but so far snow has had a problem finding it's way to the Mid Atlantic or the South while sliding along just North of NYC and attacking New England as to be honest Winter is supposed to do because that way we have small towns covered in snow that look like a Greeting Card promising a Winter Wonderland. When you live South of the Mason Dixie Line you got to be realistic about how much snow you are going to get in any given Winter but still it is NORTH Carolina so the chances are there ... somewhere... sometime...distantly down the road. I have a friend in North Dakota, I miss that friend... should I go visit her? With every week that passes things change subtly and supposedly change is in the air...
To be honest.... the mountains get some snow.
But everyone else got rain.
Speaking of rain in the South.
The set up for the next cold front....
...and abundant tropical moisture.
Is creating a Spring Like Set up...
No it's not Spring...
We haven't had winter yet.
But it's that sort of set up.
Progression of fronts....
...and a flow from the Gulf of Mexico.
Watch the next one down the road..
Being honest I am not 24/7 watching loops.
I watch... I do a model or a two.
I read a bit from people I respect.
Then I try not to obsess.
Not my neck of the woods... I don't care.
Being honest.. weather is locational.
Watching other people get snow is not fun.
Would @icyclone chase a thunderstorm?
Because he's bored and there's no Hurricanes to chase?
Nah... neither would I.
I love it all ...don't get me wrong.
But I want the weather ... I want snow.
I'm less a dreamer or watcher as much as doer.
And if I can't "do" weather today the way I want.
I'm probably doing something else.
I do have hobbies ya know...
As is the earthquake as it's in our Tropical World.
Wrong Earth Science but Mother Nature does her thing.
Luckily we don't have the fires they do in Australia.
Somewhere Mother Nature is always throwing..
a temper tantrum.
You can watch the forecast below.
The reliable forecast.
Short term vs long term.
Fronts are making it into Florida.
They are making it into North Carolina.
But for now we be getting rain not snow.

The middle of the country is getting RAIN.
Insert song "Rain on your wedding day"
That is a lot of rain.
Checking with Spaghetti Models
(which I always do every day)
Winter with it's snow is way up North.
But it's cold in North Carolina today.
Then it warms up to "why am I here?"
I stay here hoping for now.
No snow I should hit the road.
Myrtle Beach Hotels are sending me ads.
"Please come...we are open and cheap!"
Basically that's what they say...
To be honest I'm tired of hype.
A lot of hype on the news lately.
A lot of hype in the weather....
When you have a real strong WINTER pattern.
You don't need hype do you?
It's there... in your face... happening.
Like "Oh my gosh" ;)
Wait a few days you'll see.
Today we have a thin sliver of a front.
I won't say what that system looks like to me.
Use your imagination.
But you see the real problem is the next one.
Down the road still.
Image above from Crown Weather.
You can subscribe to
He goes into great detail.
He's good!
That graphic is from yesterday's email.
Become a subscriber and you will get information.
Not hype... or symbols on Apps that come and go.
But the real deal...
On Twitter.......
Cranky is also the real deal.
If you can understand his maps.
You are lucky because they are so good.
I can, I love them.
I love most of you know.
Everyone has their own needs.
Everyone likes a different style.
Good meteorological maps are always in style.
As for me I kind of feel like this today.
"That's the system now I'm outta here..."
Occurs to me that's a Mars symbol.
I told you .. I have other hobbies.
6.6 Puerto Rico Earthquake, Solar Storm & Major FLOOD, ICE & TORNADO STORM— The King of America (@NewThor) January 7, 2020
Also on Twitter...
I enjoy his videos.
Maybe I just like his voice.
Seriously... he knows weather...
...and astrology and I said I have other hobbies.
Historically storms do show up during the Solstice.
And often they show up during Eclipse times.
I don't ask why... I just watch and notice.
It's January far from Hurricane Season.
I'm into watching and noticing.
And enjoying good music...
I'll be back.
Just checking in... looking around.
Saying hello and wishing you all well.
There's nothing happening in the Tropics today.
Not my tropics.
Down the road winter comes back.
Cold air colliding with warm air.
Is always messy.
Happy 2020.
There's a Lunar Eclipse coming up.
Full Wolf Moon Eclipse....
Do some research...
...I'll be back soon enough.
Have an incredible day!
Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.
Ps... thinking of getting a blonde wig like that for Purim.
Hmnnn kind of curly ... hmnnn.
Labels: earthquake, eclipse, Puertorico, rain, season, SevereWeather, winter
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