Bryan Norcross on TWC talking on Dispersion Models - - Cable Hooked Up but will it work???
Walked into the bedroom this afternoon and heard the voice of Bryan Norcross, a voice I'd know in the dark with no electric on in the house..
Seems TWC has brought in their Hurricane Specialist to speak about the dispersion of radiation from Japan and show lots of models and graphs and to do what Bryan Norcross does best.. reassure and inform the public. No one does it better than Bryan, who will let you know if you have something you might have to worry on down the line and who will tell you the truth.
In a world where so few people are giving real data and info it's reassuring to hear Bryan's voice giving explanations and never dumming down the weather or anything else to the public.
My second thought though was, "Oh my God, it's so bad they had to bring in Bryan Norcross????" Smiling, but true... he only comes on for the big ones.

Back at the plant... they have hooked up an electric cable that they hope will restore some power and enable them to pump water into the reactor and save them from a total Meltdown.
Hoping it works. Praying it works. Really....
Listening to the live news feed/press conference as I type...
Getting used to her voice at night, it's almost soothing except she's talking on a dangerous matter.
So, am going to leave you all tonight with some links that you can access depending on your specific interest.
We will know tomorrow if the pumping of the water has resumed and if this will stop the reactor from having a Meltdown. But, don't worry because Bryan Norcross is on TWC giving dispersion forecasts.
Oh lord... I am losing it. I need sleep :)
TWC and Bryan Norcross:
Really good discussion on RT about media manipulation by the Nuke Lobby:
Before and After pics... you can move the screen back and forth to see before and after:
Good blog with good info for people who want to better understand the terminology:
More atmospheric models:
(note how it looks like a silk scarf at first waving in the breeze...)
Great article by the NY Times who gets their story right always, with all the facts:
Another by them on the "plume"
(could add something here about Rolling Stone, but no I won't...)
Foods that are high in Iodine in case your tablets are on backorder ;)
For the musically bizarre... there is a beautiful, haunting piano composition that runs quietly in the background while you can watch the swarm of earthquakes on Google Earth that led to the 9.0 earthquake.. <--- must see and listen to
What can I say? I am going to bed.
Been a long day... I have the holiday of Purim coming up and there are things to do and foods to bake.
It's been a week since the earthquake went POP and then the tsunami and then the nuclear disaster.
As I said a week ago, the nuclear disaster would be their Katrina. The earthquake that killed so many thousands of people almost gets lost in the shuffle.
And, now we are moving on to Libya in the news and hoping the fallout from the problems there will only be bleeps on a map far, far away and still we pray for the people in Japan who have yet to find their loved ones, yet to bury their loved ones, yet to be able to put this behind them. And, areas of Japan may be affected for decades to come if the radiation is as bad as many fear.
Kiss your loved ones tonight, tuck them into bed, put on a good song and listen to the music, thank God for all you have and look forward to Spring which will officially be here on March 20, 2011.
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