48 Hours to Meltdown??? Fuel Rods Exposed & No Water in the Spent Fuel Pool. . .

These are now the words being used by official sources, not just scientific types talking on blogs and on message boards.
"far more dire than the Japanese have advised"
"reactor completely dry" "radiation levels are extremely high"
"we are interfacing and taking precautionary measures" (Nuclear advisory committee)
CNN's evening's lead reporter used the words "extremely dire" which means if they can use that phrase on air, they are legally justified from their sources it's not just hyping but reality.
Now that we have some good satellite imagery down into the damaged reactor it seems we are sure there is no water in the area that should be covering the exposed fuel rods. It has been speculated that the problem with the fires the last few days and explosions meant that the fuel rods were exposed, now we know they are just sitting there and if there is no water to cool them ....the next stage after "radiation escaping" is MELTDOWN.
Many online have said that Japan has 48 hours to a Chernobyl like Meltdown.
There have been very mixed signals from a company that runs the reactor, a company that has a history of avoiding the truth and hiding details, a private Japanese company vs the government of Japan.
Many European countries have called their reporters back and/or asked their citizens to leave. America has upped the zone to 50 miles around the plant, but if the plant blows how is that going to help is what I am wondering?
Note the headlines on Google News:
Japan has just 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'
Montreal Gazette - Gordon Rayner - Martin Evans - 36 minutes ago
An earlier fire and explosion in the No 4 reactor building is thought to have ... that secondary containment has been destroyed and there is no water in the ...
Video: Radiation Forces Pullout Around Japan Plant The Associated PressU.S. forces kept away from Japan nuclear plant area - Reuters
Workers evacuated from atomic plant - The Australian
GlobalPost - NTDTV
all 31910 news articles »
New York Times (blog)
Green: The Long Half-Life of Chernobyl
New York Times (blog) - Felicity Barringer - 1 hour ago
Associated Press Chernobyl's No. 4 reactor, seen from a helicopter a few days after the April 1986 explosion. ...
New York Times (blog)
Nuclear crisis: Australians stranded in Japan as lethal rain looms
Herald Sun - Paul Tatnell - Padraic Murphy - 7 hours ago
Picture: AFP Source: AFP This picture, released from Tokyo Electric Power Co shows the damaged third (L) and fourth reactors of the Fukushima No.1 power ...
EDITORIAL: MSNBC Report on US "Nuclear Risks" Features Many Flaws
DailyTech - 4 hours ago
There are 104 commercial nuclear power plants in the US (69 pressurized water reactors and 35 boiling water reactors). That means there's roughly 1 in 742 ...
Aerial, satellite images of Japan Earthquake devastation surface ...
IBTimes Hong Kong - 1 day ago
Water is dark blue in this false-color image. Plant-covered land is red, exposed earth is tan, ... Reactors No.1 to No.4 can be seen from bottom to top. ...
Video: Japanese Search for Survivors, Fear Radiation The Associated PressJapan earthquake: As it happened - NEWS.com.au
Earthquake, tsunami hit Japan - USA Today
Sacramento Bee - Stuff.co.nz
The issue of transparency or the lack of it rears it's ugly head here and it seems we know what the truth is, it seems they are just pretending for sanity's sake and to stop panic.
An interesting read that was posted on www.canetalk.com earlier today.
The snow is falling and it looks surrealistic. We think snow and we think purity and beauty, cleanliness and perfection but there is nothing perfect or pure about the snow that is falling as it most likely has the smallest amounts of radiation.
People are panicking far away in the US trying to get Iodide something or other, there are so many different possible formulas in case of radiation poisoning. I seriously doubt that in America we have to worry on this, though there may be radiation on low levels mixed into the air patterns if and when reactors 1, 2, 3 and 4 blow Chernobyl like...
I bought some kelp tablets at Whole Foods. No, I don't think I will need them but I did it to make a friend feel better. The strange things we do for others... the liquid real stuff is gone, back ordered and not in stock.
What I do think we need to do is take a good look at the nuclear plants in America and upgrade our strategies for a worst case scenario and we need to explore and produce new alternative ways to provide energy other than one that can go Snap, Crackle and Pop radiation into our food supply and endanger our children's lives.
Children to me are a high commodity, what kind of world are we leaving them when we don't expect a worst case scenario to happen? Are we that naive as people or just greedy and want cheap energy any way we can get it?

You see there are fault lines in a lot of places and many way too close to nuclear plants and populated cities.
The list of strong quakes in the last few hours:
y/m/d h:m:s LAT
deg LON
km Region
MAP 5.3 2011/03/16 22:36:17 -32.469 -71.424 24.7 VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 5.1 2011/03/16 22:14:52 38.831 144.205 26.9 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2011/03/16 22:07:53 38.797 144.192 25.7 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2011/03/16 22:03:21 37.609 143.482 39.8 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.3 2011/03/16 20:44:43 37.358 143.610 20.2 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2011/03/16 19:35:03 37.641 141.987 24.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 3.0 2011/03/16 19:09:37 44.613 -112.082 10.8 WESTERN MONTANA
MAP 5.0 2011/03/16 18:23:09 29.412 141.806 23.7 IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP 5.0 2011/03/16 18:13:00 37.161 142.134 35.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.2 2011/03/16 17:55:02 36.277 143.154 25.8 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.5 2011/03/16 17:52:53 35.230 -92.379 5.1 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.5 2011/03/16 17:50:26 35.214 -92.370 4.1 ARKANSAS
MAP 4.3 2011/03/16 17:36:55 45.570 -74.550 18.0 ONTARIO-QUEBEC BORDER REGION, CANADA
MAP 4.8 2011/03/16 17:19:28 35.542 140.754 24.8 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.9 2011/03/16 17:12:39 56.631 121.307 12.0 AMURSKAYA OBLAST', RUSSIA
MAP 2.5 2011/03/16 16:39:12 19.875 -155.571 20.7 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
MAP 4.6 2011/03/16 16:07:24 38.508 20.413 10.0 GREECE
Mind you that does not show the smaller ones that have been going on all day in California around L.A. and up and down the coast....
http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/ <----SAVE THIS LINK
What bothers me here is the same thing that bothers me with hurricanes. We see something happening, unfolding and the official powers that be wax poetic on it's only a worse case scenario, it probably won't play out, it's a long range model, etc, etc, etc and we see it happening. Finally, when it's really obvious that it's happening the Media jumps on it, the heads of the agencies give press conferences and everyone is like "huh??? They said it wasn't going to hit"
That's happening here. It was obvious days ago that the fuel is getting "hot" and there was nothing to do to stop the Gamma Rays from going into the air and the radioactive steam from being released.
That is why people who panic ... are going out and buying up this product in any form they can find, because over time they have been burned by the official sources who said they didn't need to worry on _______________fill in the blank___________. And, they don't want to have to rely on the government to hand it out seeing as they tend to be control freaks and prefer having access to what they need in their hot little hands. Okay, bad description... in their possession.

That's why we buy water for a hurricane and batteries for our toys. It's why we stock up on canned goods and junk foods, because in the end when there is a natural disaster of some kind it takes days for the marines to show up and so better prepared (or whatever that Boyscout motto is) than not prepared. At least they can sleep better tonight knowing what they really need is within their grasp.
What do you need most? Ever sit down and write what you need on a piece of paper if only you are the only one that is ever going to see it and then burn before someone else sees it or you are tempted to reread what you wrote?
Do you need peace of mind? Kelp is cheap at Whole Foods if there is any left.. $9.99.
I'm still wondering why we couldn't just eat salty bananas?
Well, I will leave you with that thought and go eat my dinner. I did have sushi for lunch. I do not want to even think on my sushi being on short supply if the radiation
Steam is rising from the number 2, 3 and 4 reactor... if I got those numbers right, it is currently blowing east.
I'm a student of history. Learn from history so that you do not repeat it. That is my thought tonight.
Watch for yourself:
Again, the new policy released from the US Government is:
"American citizens within a 50 mile radius of that plant should evacuate" That is the official United States statement.
What can be done? Charity donated to groups trying to help. Prayers can be offered, it never hurts. Stay tuned, pay attention...knowledge is power and lastly history is being made here live in real time.
This is historic and we are watching it happen and unfold live.
Keep watching...
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