Two Waves... Ugly Men in Miami??? Prejudiced Poll Perhaps?

Number one and the most tropical comment here is that there are two areas where storms could possibly form in the Atlantic Tropical Basin this morning. Both have equal chances of less than 30% but they are highlighted so that people can pay attention and be prepared if either can find a chance in hell to go Boo before Halloween! Slim Pickens might be a good costume for any weather chaser this Hurricane Season.
Oddly, we are waiting for Grace to appear and the area in the Bahamas could form into a similar sort of storm as Hurricane Grace in 1991. Not talking on the later evolution of the Perfect Storm but more a storm forming at the end of an old dead front that becomes sub-tropical and merges with a cold front coming down in a few days..and Grace would glide gracefully out to sea. IF she forms.
Other money is on the area down in the Caribbean that doesn't seem to want to stay in one place and needs to if it is to develop. So often this time of year if a frontal boundary makes it down deep into the tropics, it provides the stimulus for cyclonic circulation beginning at it's base..that would be scenario number 1. On the other hand the next front can pull up an area in the Caribbean and drag it across Florida or the Bahamas..that would be scenario number 2. And, in my opinion that is the order of how I think they could evolve if only something would evolve this Hurricane Season.
Statistically it's not over until October is over. November is still legally the hurricane season but tell that to the Snow Queen who will appear before November ends I am sure.
Check out this loop and note that the area in the Carib has more color but oozes about and blows up then washes out. An upper level low is forming near Florida and is making a sort of spin in the area to it's east in the Bahamas at the end of the old cold front which is what upper level lows are want to do. Keep watching it... just in case, just for fun, just because it's there and in a few weeks we will close the book for sure on this wimpy Hurricane Season. And, before you go high fiving each other on how little damage there was know that the imbalance in the tropics and lack of energy forming did not help other areas prone to sudden flooding, fires and mudslides. Weather happens one place or the other. It is the way the atmosphere is set up and you can't turn the valve off somewhere and not have it explode elsewhere ... like in the Central Pacific Tropical Basin that was the place to be for cyclones this year!
As for Sexy men in Miami...this is more topical and it is something I can definitely talk about. Some poll by some online website that hopes people will click on their link and find the perfect wrinkle cream has decided Miami has the 3rd most ugly men based on their various parameters. My thought is... they are totally clueless and shallow and possibly prejudiced. Not sure who they are because when I went to their site to find out information it tried to sell me wrinkle cream, cover up sticks used by the stars and wanted to show me the top movie star hair styles with a side part. WOW... like they know anything about sexy or ugly men? Good advertising idea as they got lots of play on the news but personally I don't think they know much about what makes a man beautiful, sexy or desirable. And, maybe they are a bit prejudiced about the diverse and beautiful mix of men Miami has to offer...
Here's a picture of some of South Florida's finest :) I bet Julia Yarbough would disagree with that online beauty website as well!!

#1... It seems they think it's important for sexy men to have an education. They obviously have never gone to a dance with a great guy in a pick up truck who has a killer electrical business and never finished the University of Florida. Their loss. They obviously have never had the delight of going out for a cafe con leche with a Hot Cuban guy who came over on a raft a year earlier and is sexy as hell and daring enough to take a chance to ride a raft across the Florida Straits. I mean, seriously? Education is the parameter they used to choose ugly men? Do they not know that a good part of Miami is made up of men from the islands, from other countries and hard working types who support their families and know how to make a woman feel good but never got a Masters degree while life was happening? Hmmmnmnn.
#2.. It seems good teeth is important. I imagine they are selling a lot of teeth whitener on their site, saw that listed as well. Well, good teeth are nice... but not everyone can spend a fortune buying whiteners or going to dentists and getting their teeth capped and oh seriously? Not sure where how many smiles in Miami they were actually peering into, dentists do real well in Miami.
#3.. It seems they have decided that men in Miami do not work out enough and even more so we get points against us because we have such great weather and so much sunshine and we should be exercising more. Oh really? Has the writer of that article ever spent an August in Miami? A hot, humid August? I imagine most men in Miami who cannot afford a sexy cool gym consider making hot, passionate love in their air conditioned room with their beautiful woman as a great way to exercise. But, hey to each their own. Have they walked on Lincoln Road or on Flagler Street or Collins Avenue. Have they seen the hot men dressed in expensive suits doing business deals or do they not like Latino men or men of color from the islands who are some of the sweetest, most sexy men around.
Not sure what their problem is but perhaps they don't like Jewish men in Aventura or Cuban men in Hialeah or Jamaican and Haitian men in North Miami. And, if they are lucky enough to find a few good boys at a chili cook off in Cooper City or some sexy Israelis on South Beach they might change their minds as to what is ugly and what is beautiful. Maybe they think white bread sort of guys with white teeth and an education from some Ivy League school makes for handsome men. Hmmmmnnnn??
I've known men with doctorate degrees and men with no degrees, a degree does make a man sexy. And, I'd rather work out with a guy in bed overlooking the deep blue Atlantic Ocean with see through glass windows eleven stories up in a Miami Condo while sipping Pina Coladas or a Mojito than reading a website trying to sell me pimple cream and tell me how the rich and famous wear their hair. But, hey that's just me. I'm a Miami girl... we know what is sexy, we know what is hot and we know our men are as sexy as all git out...
Dare anyone here to go take a walk at Bayside at night, have a drink, listen to some great Brazilian Jazz and have some sexy Argentinian guy flirt with you and bet you that you don't wonder what degree he has or how many hours he spends at a gym. And, if you can see his teeth through his mustache... it will only be after he kisses you and makes your knees go weak.
Give me a frigging break... ugly men, seriously?
Someone needs a reality check and it ain't me!
Besos Bobbi :)
So... that is my thought on polls online on men and the tropics. A good read on another October Grace that formed further out in the ocean than this one could and caused much more damage than many might.
And..if you want to donate to a good cause and get a great calendar with some not so ugly men from South Florida... here's your link ;)
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