Noon Thoughts on Remnants of Paloma
A loop to watch while googling your favorite vets today!
An off view above on the dvorak which snuffs her out..

Another ghostly sort of view:

Sort of a long shot I guess but the ghost of Paloma will not give up and is still visible over Cuba. You have to scrunch your eyes up or use your XRAY vision but it's there. Go figure.
Very windy in Miami Beach today. Have friends who are watching tropical development in the Bahamas.. I don't see it as the winds are strong. Probably because I don't want to see it. As much as I would love one last Thanksgiving Storm I want a cold front. I want to keep the windows open, the AC off and feel in the mood to cook and bake and wear my kick ass sexy suede high heel boots. Naughty tropical girl I suppose. I should be rooting on tropical development right? Well.. what can I say? We all have our priorities and mine right now are the Dolphins winning and enjoying the cooler dry air.
Until the NHC drops the yellow box.. I imagine we will be peaking at Paloma's ghost a little bit longer.

chow for now ;) Bobbi
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