Power Back ON.. Cold Front Plows Through

The power is mostly back on though there is much discussion on what exactly caused the outage. One early report said there was a fire at a sub-station, later they seemed to know nothing about the fire as they were looking for the cause of the outage. Something about "THE GRID" and something about the system doing exactly what it was supposed to do (shut down half of Florida?!?) and they are tracing the problem... etc... etc... Zzzzzzzzz
Not terrorist, just FPL ;)
No ACs on today... everyone is enjoying a cold blast of winter which is blowing through the Miami area today.
Some film crew across the street is trying to figure out whether to set up or set down the catering tents that my just be Gone With the Wind if that strong band of showers blows through with winds gusting to 40mph and hail that they keep warning about on the Weather Radio. Suppose they aren't listening to the weather radio.. oh well...

Note pictures of the bank tower were taken about FIVE minutes apart! Yes, Virginia.. it's dropping THAT fast ;)

Wearing my high heel suede boots today..
Besos Bobbi
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